Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Now, application for booth exhibition of SIMTOS2010 which will be held in April 13(Tue)-18(Sun), 2010 has been started. The Early Bird application deadline is expended to July 31, 2009 and it also requires paying the booth deposit at the same time (July 31, 2009).
You can save 10% discount from total booth rental if you during the period of the early bird application.

Thanks to all of you, a lot of companies and groups applied for booth exhibition like last SIMTOS2008. We will allocate to your booth location at first on SIMTOS2010 if you register at the early bird period. From Aug 1st, you will apply the booth for the regular price.

If you are thinking to exhibit on SIMTOS2010, please apply for booth exhibition before July 31. And please make inquiries to me if you are thinking to participate in booth exhibition.

Besides we will launch our renewal SIMTOS2010 website on Mar. 02, 2009. You will get detail information including SIMTOS2010 application and SIMTOS2008 final report. We will keep updating all information about SIMTOS2010. Please visit at

Monday, March 2, 2009

SIMTOS2010 official website is open in March

The official website for SIMTOS2008 is open on March 2nd, 2009.

The overview of SIMTOS2010 and necessary information for exhibitors, visitors and press releases are updated.

You can find all about SIMTOS(Seoul International Machine Tool Show) at

- SIMTOS2010 Fact Sheet
- How to apply for SIMTOS2010
- Business Trip to SIMTOS
- Online registration in advance for visitors
- SIMTOS2008 Final Report
- Quick Download

SIMTOS2010 Guide, Final Report, Application forms, and Exhibitors Manual

Primarily, the application for SIMTOS2010 is availabe at the website, (Online Applcation) this time.
The application will be compeleted if you send the printed application form with signature by fax to SIMTOS secretariat.

For more detailed information, please visit SIMTOS2010 official website,

Go to SIMTOS2010 World

SIMTOS2010 official website is open in March

The official website for SIMTOS2008 is open on March 2nd, 2009.

The overview of SIMTOS2010 and necessary information for exhibitors, visitors and press releases are updated.
You can find all about SIMTOS(Seoul International Machine Tool Show) at

- SIMTOS2010 Fact Sheet
- How to apply for SIMTOS2010
- Business Trip to SIMTOS
- Online registration in advance for visitors
- SIMTOS2008 Final Report
- Quick Download : SIMTOS2010 Guide, Final Report, Application forms, and Exhibitors Manual
Primarily, the application for SIMTOS2010 is availabe at the website, (Online Applcation) this time.
The application will be compeleted if you send the printed application form with signature by fax to SIMTOS secretariat.

For more detailed information, please visit SIMTOS2010 official website,

Go to SIMTOS2010 World